Joshua Brown: a sad ending

As if the senseless killing of 26-year old Botham Jean by convicted ex-police officer, Amber Guyger (found guilty of murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison), wasn't tragic enough, the shooting death of Joshua Brown, 28, Jean's neighbor and a key witness against Guyger, added a sinister element to this national news story.There was speculation that he was targeted by police because of his testimony.This week, however, Dallas police identified three black males as suspects in Brown's murder.The alleged motive: an argument over drugs.According to a CBS News online report, "'numerous tips' led them to search Brown's apartment, where they confiscated 12 pounds of marijuana, 149 grams of THC cartridges and more than $4,000 in cash."Hardly, the stash of a major drug seller.Despite this latest development, it all seems too coincidental.Unfortunately, in the public perception, Brown's death will be neatly filed under "dead drug dealer."Conference for Prisoners FamiliesNext week, the 11th Annual InterNational Prisoners Family Conference will be held in October 16-18 in Dallas, TX.This year's speakers will discuss issues related to families and prisoners, including:

  • "Managing Chronic Illness in Prison: Challenges and Coping Tools"

  • The Importance of Person-Centered Language to Humanize

  • "Mothers, Prison, and Trauma"

  • "The Lived Experiences of Mothers of Prisoners: Advocating for Our Children"

  • "Breakng the Cycle of Youth Involved in he Justice System"

  • "Advocating to End Prosecution, Sentencing, and Incarceration of Children as Adults"

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