How Did You Do It? (A guest blog explaining why no two writers achieve success the same) The Writing LifeWista JohnsonApril 20, 2021#aboutwritingsuccess, #chopeclark, #writingadvice, #writingsuccessComment
Four Ideas That Keep You from Writing (or Completing) That Article, Novel, or Script The Writing LifeWista JohnsonDecember 2, 2020tips for new writers, writing advice, for writersComment
Is self-publishing an option for you? The Writing LifewistajohnsonFebruary 16, 2017for writers, tips for new writers, Wista Johnson, writing adviceComment
Designate a writing space to promote creativity and productivity The Writing LifewistajohnsonNovember 15, 2016advice for writers, for writers, keep motivated, professional writers, tips for new writers, writing adviceComment
Grammar: Help your audience "hear" your voice The Writing LifewistajohnsonOctober 14, 2016tips for new writers, Writing tips, writing adviceComment
The Art of Interviewing The Writing LifewistajohnsonSeptember 17, 2016advice for writers, professional writers, tips for new writers, Writing tipsComment
Do you have a book in you? The Writing LifewistajohnsonAugust 9, 2016life stories, advice for writers, professional writers, Writing tipsComment
Rejection is tough so get tougher The Writing LifewistajohnsonJune 25, 2016for writers, keep motivated, tips for new writers, wista johnson writes, writing advice Comment
The Write Life: Procrastination The Writing LifewistajohnsonApril 22, 2016for writers, keep motivated, professional writers, wista johnson writesComment
Writers: Use Your GPS Skills The Writing LifewistajohnsonMarch 14, 2016for writers, tips for new writers, writing adviceComment
Blogs, V-logs, Podcasts, DIYs…Self-Expression Explosion The Writing LifewistajohnsonFebruary 16, 2016Bloggers, Podcasts, DIY, Tips Comments
Can I call myself a writer if I have not sold any work? The Writing LifewistajohnsonJanuary 15, 2016keep motivated, writing advice, tips for new writers, advice for writersComment
What do editors do? The Writing LifewistajohnsonNovember 22, 2015Writing tips, tips for new writers, what do editors do, advice for writers Comment
Finding the Right Publication for Your Article The Writing LifewistajohnsonOctober 21, 2015advice for writers, for writers, keep motivated, tips for new writers, writing advice Comment
Motivation: Hold fast to your creative dreams The Writing LifewistajohnsonSeptember 14, 2015advice for writers, keep motivated, tips for new writers, wista johnson writesComment
Editing: The gold standard of professional writing The Writing LifewistajohnsonAugust 10, 2015advice for writers, editors, professional writers, Wista JohnsonComment
Should you join a writing group? The Writing LifewistajohnsonJuly 15, 2015for writers, tips for new writers, writing adviceComment