Our democracy is not immune to collapse

Assaults by the Trump Administration on our federal institutions, our civil liberties, and our economic stability have rocked my faith in our government, admittedly, one that has never lived up to its promise of liberty and justice for all.

I am no idealist.

Our pursuit of justice falls short: laws often protect the one percent at the expense of the 99 percent, marginalized communities are cut off from financial resources, and intelligence agencies have unlawfully targeted groups or organizations deemed threats to “national security.”

Despite our government’s flaws, I believed in our democracy based on three branches of government with separate powers and a system of checks and balances.

I believed that fundamental principles outlined in the Constitution are jump-started by legal challenges to assaults on them.

I believed there were enough “good guys” in government to safeguard our institutions and with the power and the will to take lawful action when necessary.

Not anymore. I see how swiftly the ideals of the Constitution are being trashed by an Executive Branch flush with power.

With little meaningful opposition from Congressional leaders on either side of the aisle, our civil liberties, economic stability, legal protections, international standing, and faith in democracy are swiftly fading away.

The Republic’s future lies in the hands of a small band of ruthless oligarchs unfazed by public outrage, citizen protests, harm to the most vulnerable, or damage to our international standing.

The current state of the nation belies the fallacy that America is immune to collapse. We are on the precipice of disaster—not only from within, but from without.

With considerable effort I fight off total despair.

© 2025 wistajohnson.com (Reprint by permission only.) Image by Euphoric Voyagerr from Pixabay