Privacy Lost Random RamblingswistajohnsonAugust 16, 2018#metadatacollection, #noprivacy, #nsasurveillance, ACLUprotestsdatacollection Comment
Don't miss: "stand your ground" rally and Trayvon Martin documentary Random RamblingswistajohnsonAugust 2, 2018#alsharpton, #jay-z, #nationalactionnetwork, #restinpowerdocumentary, TrayvonMartinComment
Why do mothers support incarcerated sons? In The Name of JusticewistajohnsonJuly 30, 2018#motherswithsonsinprison, #onemothersvoice, #sonsinprisonComment
We all have a stake in making a difference In The Name of JusticewistajohnsonJuly 9, 2018#recidivism, #socialjustice, keep motivated, life stories, CriminalJusticeComment
"We have to do better!" Random RamblingswistajohnsonJuly 8, 2018#bronxteenagerstabbed, #justiceforjunior, #lesandroguzman-felizComment
Podcasting Pains... Random RamblingswistajohnsonJune 22, 2018#blackgirlstalksports, #equaljusticeinitiative, #onemothersvoice, #podcasting, #wistajeannejohnsonComment
We are not welcome... Random RamblingswistajohnsonMay 20, 2018#loladesiyonbola, #racialincidents, #renesonjeanlouis, #rosecampbell, #yalegradstudentsComment
The season finale of Blackish: I was holding my breath. (Spoiler alert!) Random RamblingswistajohnsonMay 15, 2018#anthonyanderson, #blackish, #blacksitcom, #traceeellisrossComment
A Dark History Re-visited Random RamblingswistajohnsonMay 13, 2018#africanamericans, #equaljusticeinitiative, #lynchings, #socialjustice, The Legacy MuseumComment
A Walk into History Random RamblingswistajohnsonApril 25, 2018#bryanstevenson, #equaljusticeinitiative, #socialjustice, #The Legacy Museum, #The National Memorial for Peace and Justice Comment
10 Criminal Justice Facts You Probably Never Knew In The Name of JusticewistajohnsonMarch 21, 2018#africanamericans, #inmatedebt, #juveniles, #olderinmates, #pleabargains, #prisonstigma, #socialjustice, #womeninprisonComment
New museums document mass incarceration and lynchings in America; the "best" and "worst" criminal justice news of 2017; a community campaign Random RamblingswistajohnsonFebruary 25, 2018#bryanstevenson, #ericagarner, #ericgarner, #massincarcerationmuseum, #nationalmemorialforpeaceandjustice, #onemothersvoiceComment
New year, new outreach to mothers with sons involved in the justice system It's About JusticewistajohnsonDecember 28, 2017#mothersandincarceratedsons, #onemothersvoice, #prisonreform, #socialjusticeComment
Criminal and social justice movements: alive and well In The Name of JusticewistajohnsonNovember 21, 2017#criminaljusticereform, #familiesofinmates, #socialjusticeComment
News Bytes: the Obamas' and former AG Eric Holder's soon-to-be published books Random RamblingswistajohnsonNovember 17, 2017#ericholder, #ericholderbookdeal, #formerattorneygeneral, #michelleobama, #obamasbookdeals, #presidentobamaComment
New museum highlights our nation’s history from enslavement to mass incarceration Random RamblingswistajohnsonNovember 6, 2017#bryanstevenson, #equaljusticeinitiative, #historyofslaveryandmassincarceration, #massincarcerationmuseum, #onemothersvoiceComment
We need a grassroots movement of families of inmates It's About JusticewistajohnsonOctober 10, 2017#familiesofinmates, #prisonershumanrights, #protest/rally, #weneedamovementComment
"I was totally ignorant of the criminal justice system..." It's About JusticewistajohnsonSeptember 29, 2017#familiesofinmates, #rikersisland, CriminalJusticeComment
Teenager Pedro Hernandez: a twisted tale of juvenile justice chronicled in series In The Name of JusticewistajohnsonAugust 22, 2017#bronxdistrictattorney, #nyc42precinct, #rikersisland, PedroHernandezComment
Update: "Millions for Prisoners Human Rights March" In The Name of JusticewistajohnsonAugust 4, 2017#marchandrally, #millionsforprisonersmarch, #protest/rallyComment