Blogs, V-logs, Podcasts, DIYs…Self-Expression Explosion

Remember the old days when some gatekeeper—editor, agent, publisher, station director, or casting director—had total control over whether or not the world got to hear what you had to offer?Well, in today’s Brave Web World, the number of ways to get your opinion, music, writing, product or new idea to the public has increased tremendously.A blessing? Yes, but it can also be challenging to break through the cacophony of voices online.What can make your offering stand out?

  • Confidence Believe that you have something of value to offer.

  • Expert knowledge Know your topic or field better than your competition.

  • Consistency Keep in touch with your audience regularly..

  • Presentation Make your website, book cover, or head shots professional and inviting.

  • Point of View Develop your own voice, style, and delivery.

Most importantly, never give up. It might take a while to grow a following but keep doing what you do. Be ready for that moment when the world takes notice of you in a big way.